+ Dengan nama Allah +

Dan orang yang sabar kerana mencari keredhaan Tuhannya, mendirikan solat dan menafkahkan sebahagian rezeki yang Kami nafkahkan kepada mereka, secara sembunyi atau terang-terangan, serta menolak kejahatan dengan kebaikan, orang itulah yang mendapat tempat kesudahan yang baik.
Surah Ar-Rad : Ayat-22

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dreams! Don't Be Afraid

Someone said to me;

"Dream is not what you see in sleep, but what keeps you awake at night. (There can be many interpretations but the best is : If you dream for Jannatul Firdaus then you should wake up early in the morning to perform Tahajjud prayers - thus it keeps you awake at night!"

Back few years ago, when i was a student at UTM, my friend's Diana wrote on a piece of paper;

"Hang your dreams as high as a sky. If you cannot achieve the sky, at least you can touch the cloud."

Yup! Don't afraid to have our own dream. However, we must ensure that our efforts must be synchronize with our dreams, as Allah said;
"Allah will not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change themselves" AQ 13:11


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