+ Dengan nama Allah +

Dan orang yang sabar kerana mencari keredhaan Tuhannya, mendirikan solat dan menafkahkan sebahagian rezeki yang Kami nafkahkan kepada mereka, secara sembunyi atau terang-terangan, serta menolak kejahatan dengan kebaikan, orang itulah yang mendapat tempat kesudahan yang baik.
Surah Ar-Rad : Ayat-22

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Apologetic Towards Rhetoric

Anggap saja ini entri mengelat, eheh..just wanna share some words:

-Aversion = Strong dislike
-Averse = Oppose for something
-Authenticate = To prove beyond doubt the origin etc
-Authentic = Genuine, Know to be true
-Auspicious = Showing signs of future success
-Aurevoir = Till we meet again, goodbye, adieu
-Adherent = A supporter
-Adolescence = The period between childhood and maturity
-Antagonist = An opponent, a main character who hates heroes/heroine
-Prodigy = A person who has an usual or remarkable abilities
-Prohibit = Menghalang
-Proficiency = The quality of being skilled.
-Procrastinate = To avoid starting an activity without any reason
-Prominent = Standing out, easily seen
-Propel = To force (something) to move forward
-Propagate = Increase the number of , to reproduce, to cause something to spread more widely
-Merit = The quality or fact of deserving approval
-Menace = Ancaman
-Mendacious = Untruthful
-Nobly = Layak dipuji
-Injudicious = Not having/showing good sense, not well judge
-Innumerable = Too many to count
-Reclues = Live alone avoid others
-Reckless = Not think/care about effects/consequences
-Reckon = to calculate, to consider, suppose, to assume
-Reconcile = Berdamai

Okeh, as for now itu saja. Sepatutnya ingin menulis mengenai isu semasa tanah air, tapi maaf, tidak berkesempatan.

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